Sunday, July 16, 2017

WHEW what a week!!

I think I mentioned that two weeks ago was new missionary arrivals (20) and departures (19). That was mighty busy, but this past week was "unreal" busy! It was transfer week where missionaries are moved to new districts with new partners. That includes Scotland, Ireland & Northern Ireland. That involves closing some flats and opening new ones. In Ireland and areas in Scotland that are far away I set up the appointments for the missionaries to look at the new flats. They do a good job for being so young and are very excited when they find one that meets all their needs. So on Friday night I found myself back at the office at 8 pm talking with a landlord--the missionaries in Ireland had attended a showing I had set up and loved the flat! The landlord loved the missionaries and said they could move in Monday (tomorrow) if they wanted to even without money exchanging hands--I doubt that would happen in the US! My companion and I were laughing about the fact that we were in the office every day last week until 9 pm and had to run back over Friday night (the first night we had left early). Both of us expected business, but this is over the top of anything we imagined. Good thing we love what we are doing and actually can't wait to go to the office the next day!

Today, Sunday, we just drove around Edinburgh Old Town to see Princess St., The Royal Mile, and Arthur's Seat. These are all places we haven't explored yet, but plan to do it.

Well, the big news is my granddaughter, Julia, and her husband, Brad are coming to visit on the 21st., 22, 23. I'm so excited! They are celebrating their 5th year anniversary. They will probably see more of Edinburgh in those few days than I've seen. I'll blog again after their visit.

Love to all,
Sister Gifford

NOTE: Hello mom--how's it going for you? I sure hope you are enjoying my blog. I think of you every time I write one  wondering  what you saw in all your travels. Wish I could hear all about them again, especially your trip to England. In August we will be taking a bus to the England Temple in Preston with our ward. While we are there we will also see a pageant put on by the church, which I guess is really wonderful. We  will just get home from there and we will attend the Tattoo, which is a bagpipe festival. That is a week-long festival, but we will only go for one day.  Stay happy & well--I love you bunches.

NOTE: Hi Michael, it was so much fun to text you the other day. I miss you and the family! I couldn't believe how much you have grown-up (especially with the new haircut). Are you playing any sports this summer?  Or going to camp? You'll have to take a picture of your new room and post it for me to see. I'm so happy that you are liking your new house. When do you start school there? When I return from my mission, I will have to come visit you all. I plan to make a trip to each of my family's homes when I return so I can get caught up. Please give Rylee and Zach & mom & dad a big hug for me. Love you to pieces. grams
Arthur's Seat - the Church knows it as "Pratt's Hill" Where Orson Pratt
declared Scotland open  to Missionary Work

Thistle - The National Flower
                                             This is actually a high-end hotel in Edinburgh.

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