Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Busy days--catch-up bloggingI

Another 6 weeks have gone by and we have just finished transfer week. I think I explained that we have missionaries leaving their missions to go home and new missionaries coming in. This time it was 9 leaving and 15 new ones coming in. So then the fun begins! missionaries are transferred here and there and are assigned new companions. That means finding new flats and closing others. I love the excitement of this part of my calling. I continue to be blessed for my efforts and hope my family will look for the blessings in their own lives because of my service--they will be there I promise.

Last week two of the people we have been teaching with the missionaries were baptized,  Nikki and Bahadir. Both single & about the same age. So I'm thinking a little match-making may be in my future plans. They both have strong testimonies and have really been studying the Book of Mormon. It's wonderful to see peoples lives so enriched by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I gave the opening prayer and stumbled through the whole thing--bless my heart for trying LOL. One of the talks was done completely in French (Bahadir is French). Such a beautiful language & I wish I could understand French.

My companion, Sister Call, had family visiting for a week so she was traveling with them for a few days. It was very strange to be alone for the weekend. I walked everywhere I went because she had the car. It was kind of nice as I felt like a real authentic Scottish person (everyone walks here). The streets are much safer here than in the US. People walk the streets at all hours of the night. I think one big difference is that guns are not allowed in the United Kingdom. Everybody walks, carry a backpack and always have a bag of groceries. Lots of small neighborhood stores and plenty of bus lines to take you anywhere you want to go. Parking is really nonexistent in Edinburgh (which, by-the-way has an "ah" sound at the end--Edinburgh(ah). So if you want to go somewhere & you don't know if there is parking for sure you take a bus. Colored hair seems to be really big here; like yellow, blue, red, pink. Women of all ages. Is that the case now in the US? I'm having technical problems again trying to place my pictures on my blog so this lone picture is it for this time. More pictures next time. Love to all, Sister Gifford, mom, grams & ggma

Some rugged Scottish shoreline

NOTE: Well lHi their mom--sure missing you. As it gets closer to the holidays I think of you and all the fun stuff (like candy making) you used to do at Christmas. I remember when you were going through the "craft" stage of your life and we all got Christmas decorated pringle cans with cutouts in the front for a panorama scene. I don't look at Pringles in the grocery stores without remembering that you and Dad ate a lot of Pringles just so you would have the cans LOL! So many memories and speaking of memories, have I ever told you how much I appreciate your "Life Story"? What a treasure it is for all of us. I hope you have a cheerful sweatshirt to wear for the holidays! Kay just might have to buy one for you. A cheerful sweatshirt to match the smile on your face. Bye for now--love you with all my heart. 

NOTE:  Hi Zach! What's happening? I've been thinking about you and your college adventure. I hope you are settling in and feeling confident that you can do it all!! I know how capable you are and completely able to all that is required of you. Have you been back home for a weekend yet? I'll bet the two siblings are really missing you. Did they save your room for you or did Michael take it over LOL!!? So what is your favorite class this semester? Do you have a car? Wow, I can't believe I'm writing to Zach the college student. Boy the years sure do go by fast. I'm having a wonderful time here in Scotland. The people are wonderful and I am making more friends at church and getting more involved in the community. We are encouraged to do as much service for others as we can fit into our busy schedules. Right now I am helping the youth to put together hygiene kits for children in Africa.
So text me or send me an email. Your mom can provide you with the details. Give the family my love and consider yourself hugged! Love, grams

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