Sunday, October 21, 2018

Less than a week to go . . .and more wanderings.

A walk in the Enchanted Forest

We drive 1 1/2 hrs to Pittlockery t\hen took a bus to the Enchanted Forest. It was the last thing on our Scotland "bucket list."
It was well worth the trip--it took about an hour to walk through the trails. Music playing in the forest (nature sounds) and beautiful light displays everywhere. Along the walk, they had open fires where you could roast marshmallows or just sit awhile by the fire. The whole thing was very cleverly done.
A forest creature - me and my new
companion--Sister Smith
Trees lit up from behind.

My final wandering was done yesterday. It was only fitting that I visit the ruins of Melrose Abbey at the end of my mission as that is where I started my wanderings 18 months ago. The abbey was built in the early 1100's and
is matchless in beauty.

OH BOY! fish & chips--I will really miss this!
Goodbye to awesome Ireland views!
Goodbye to beautiful built by hand stone walls!
We saw 63 castles in 18 months - there are 3,000 in Scotland
Goodbye to bagpipers on the street

Goodbye to all the taking missionaries out to eat
Goodbye to helping cook big meals for Zone Conferences in the mission kitchen (my famous garlic bread in the basket)
Goodbye to Harry Potter Memories
                                                    Goodbye to ruins - all shapes all sizes
Goodbye to cobblestone streets and very narrow 

Goodbye to beautiful coastlines all over Scotland & Ireland

Goodbye to Gifford in Scotland!

Goodbye to my wonderful companion of 18 months
Goodbye to Highland cows (coos)

Gifford family in St. Andrews
Goodbye to being the tour guide in Scotland!

Matt & Jennifer - another chance to be a tour guide

Lorre and me - my first visitor and how wonderful that the visit was right at Christmas
Of course, you know, that I could go on and on . . . but I have accepted the sad fact that my mission is coming to a close, my blogging is done and I will return home with more memories & blessings than any one person deserves to have.

My testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has grown by leaps and bounds and is something I can hold deep in my heart forever. I know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ. I know that we are children of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is our brother. I'm grateful for my testimony of the Book of Mormon and through that testimony, I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I'm grateful for our living prophet today; Russell M. Nelson.  I'm more familiar with the scriptures then I have ever been and have learned to love, ponder, and study them. I'm especially grateful for my family; that I could be the mother to 5 wonderful children and love & adore 17 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. I love my 4 siblings and I am so grateful for their love and friendship.  I leave this testimony (my last from Scotland) in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Much love to all, Sister Gifford

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