Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Visitors and more wt anderings . . .

Millennial clock - every part moves as it starts
from the bottom layer and works its way up.

Matt & Jennifer in Scotland - Note Edinburgh Castle in the background

My son and daughter-in-law were my NO. 3 company from the states. First Julia & Brad (granddaughter & husband) then my daughter, Lorre, Matt & Jennifer, and coming in June, my son Andy, his wife Heather & the three grandchildren; Max, Jocey & Alayna. I've been so blessed to have family visit. Fun times were had by all. While Matt & Jennifer were in Scotland they enjoyed the Highlands with hiking and exploring the Isle of Sky. We spent hours on a cold, rainy day touring the Edinburgh Zoo and many hours at the National Museum of Scotland. My favorite at the zoo was the panda bear and at the museum, the Millennial clock.

The following pictures are of a small village named Culross about an hour from Edinburgh. Its claim to fame is that it was where Christianity was first formed in Scotland. We found a photographer there who is just a delight and my companion and I both bought 6 of his framed photos of places in Scotland that we have been to. There is a small Castle there, but unfortunately, it was closed.

The first yellow castle we've seen. I had to wonder if that was the original color.

Photographer's studio - lovely old building

Well, things are going great with my mission.  New arrivals every 6-8 weeks seem to roll around very quickly. We had 7 missionaries return home and 9 arrivals this time. Our mission has had 37 baptisms thus far in March. Our current mission president and wife will be released in July--that will be a sad time for all of us. They are loved by all and the interaction between the young missionaries and President Donaldson is so special. He truly loves each one of them and takes such good care of them. But like a parent, if discipline is needed they get it, but in a loving way. My companion will leave in September and my release date is November 8. I already know who my new companion will be for about two months. Seems very odd and sad to think I'm getting that close to my release date. I just love Scotland and especially love the views of rooftops throughout the country. They all have a very "Mary Poppins"
look with the chimneys, turrets, and unusual architecture. Pictures could
never capture the true beauty.


This was a very simple hike compared to some we have done, the Lord has blessed me with such good health since I've been here and I'm able to keep up with my companion who is 20 years younger than me. I don't know if I ever mentioned the Pux Glenn hike--boy that was a dilly! Straight up from the beginning and muddy so you can imagine what it was like coming down. I'm telling you those "clunky missionary shoes" have served me well. They have better grips than my boots and sneakers.

We are beginning to see signs of spring here in Scotland. Trees are starting to bud and temperatures have changed enough that I'm thinking about getting a lighter jacket. I remember last spring and summer I could wear a sweater most days, even at the mission home. We have lots of places to wander as the weather gets warmer, especially the Highlands. We already have a tour booked for April to go to the Isle of Sky. So, friends and family that's it for now. Love to all, Sister Gifford

NOTE:  Well hi there mom--how you doing? I was thinking about you while I was eating a real meat, vegetable & potato pastie for supper. You can buy them everywhere here and they are so good! Do you and Kay still get one every once in a while? I sure had a good time with Matt & Jennifer while they were here in Scotland. I think they really enjoyed their trip and sure did pack a lot into the days they had here. Did I tell you that Julia and Holly are both expecting and both having boys. That will make me 8 great-grandchildren. I will have lots of visiting to do when I return from my mission so I can catch up on the lives of all my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It's hard to believe that Easter is this Sunday--our church General Conference is also on Easter so it will be a full-day. I think we'll get together with some of the senior missionaries for dinner. I hope to make potato salad, but that's not a big favorite in Scotland so I may do something else.
I sure hope you are feeling good and are in good spirits (although I can't imagine you not being in good spirits). Stay Happy--I love you!

Hi Jocey:  I'm dedicating this blog to you in honor of your birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I like the idea of the escape room party. I saw the picture of you and Max with the spelling bee awards--that's awesome. I'm so glad you enjoy so many different things (including cooking). I know you don't ever sit around wondering what you can do :-). My life is very busy too and I love that part of serving a mission. I also never have to wonder what I'm going to do next. I think you would really enjoy drawing some of the architectural ruins I see--the castles and monasteries are just phenomenal. To see parts of structures that date back to the 1200's and many even earlier is just very exciting. I hope you like my blogs. I sure miss you and think of you all often, Love grams

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