Monday, April 16, 2018

A 3-CASTLE wandering . . .

I think I've mentioned that Sister Call and I are determined to not have any regrets when we return from our mission. We do not want to have anyone ask us if we saw something in particular while we were in Scotland and have to say no! Saturday is our only free day, our P-day (preparation), so we get up early, clean house, throw laundry in and take off. No matter how tired we are when we end our day we grocery shop and I finish preparing my youth Sunday school lesson. Did I mention that I teach the 12-17-year-olds every Sunday? They can't give me a calling because I am a full-time missionary, but they have asked me to take an indefinite assignment. It is a very wide age range and sometimes difficult to reach the minority of 12 yr-olds. It's a challenge! my companion plays the organ for sacrament meetings and also helps new members with their genealogy. So, for us, every day is a busy day.

My life is full here in Scotland--I love the country and the people. Who wouldn't love a country that has places called Firth of Forth and Kingdom of Fife!

NOTE: Hi mom, how you doing? I hope you are still enjoying my blogs. It's finally a Spring weather few days here in Scotland. I was able to wear only a sweater the last few days. Do you still have snow there? What a winter, huh? I haven't been in a real winter in many years, but really needed coats, boots, hats, and mittens this winter. Are you still listening to books on tape? There is a good book called Orphan Train. It does have a few swear words in it, but I think you would really like it (the book, not the swear words LOL). My companion and I listen to tapes while we are "out wandering" in the car. Well, all of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren are always in my prayers. And, of course, they are all wonderful. My children are all busy and seem happy. I can't wait to see them all when I return from my mission. I'm going to visit all of them (and you) after I return--whether they want me or not! LOL  It'll be fun to have 2 new baby boys to get to know. Stay well and happy. I love you.

NOTE: Hi Holly, how are you feeling? I would love to see a picture of your "baby tummy". What is your actual due date? I'm thinking it might be close to Julia's. So neat that you are both having boys. How old will Norah be when you have the baby? Does she understand that she is going to have a little brother? I was wondering the other day if you had gone back to work at Costco. Please give your mom and grandma my love and best wishes. Lots of hugs to you and your family--love to all. grams

Skyline view of  castke

Will we ever be able to stop wearing winter coats!!
Who did this & how long did it take?
Another mystery for Carrie to solve!
Large controversy about the fact that someone painted
 half of the castle--Historical groups want it removed.
KELBURN CASTLE - People actually live in this castle so we weren't able to get close, The grounds were beautiful!

Scone Castle. - extraordinary ruins.

Balgonne Castle - home of the Laird and Lady Balgonne

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