Monday, April 23, 2018

Wanderings to the ISLE OF SKYE . . .

Cliffs of Skye
Rock Formation

Rock formations on the Isle of Skye

Cliffs of Skye
We booked a tour with Rabbies Tours for the four of us (Elder & Sister Miller, myself and Sister Call). We drove to Inverness the day before, stayed overnight there and then left at 7:30 am for The Isle of Skye. Our hotel was less than perfect, but we only paid 50 pounds per person--so I guess we got what we paid for LOL. Here is a picture of our tour guide, Duncan. Notice the kilt & accessories.          
       He was wonderful and had the most charming Scottish accent. He entertained us with stories, poetry, historical                 facts and even sang some Highlands songs. When he     
                                                                         wasn't singing/talking, he would play Scottish Highland music &                                                                        explain facts about the singers and the music. Just a natural-                                                                     born entertainer!!

When we (about 16 of us total) we  laborously climbing the hills, we would see Duncan, with skirt flying, running full speed up the hills and would almost do running jumps down the hills--incredible energy and enthusiasm! It was a 12-hour day with Duncan, but I'd better move on and tell you about  the sights. Skye is a very primitive island. not much grass, lots of amazing rock formations and heaven for those folks who love to climb.  Only a few wee villages and we ate lunch in one of them. We stopped many times to get out and stretch and just enjoy the beauty around us. One time as I neared the top of a pretty stiff climb, I looked around and thought I must surely be in a Hollywood scene for an outer space type movie. The land is barren and full of small mountains, hills and sheep grazing right next to you as you stand and look around.  I thought it was interesting that one of the villages we drove through had almost as many churches as houses. Duncan told us that the village was 100% Sabbath observant. It was a beautiful wee village right on the sea and all the buildings were white stucco.  

On the way to Skye we stopped at Eilean Donan Castle, one of Scotlands most iconic sites. Built on a hill, it overlooks the Isle of Skye and is surrounded by water. Parts of the castle has rooms that are furnished and can be rented out for weddings and such. Parts of several movies have been filmed there, incl. the original Highlander. We also saw Highland Coos (cows) and lots of baby lambs. We drove back to Edinburgh after a full day of fun and got home around 11:30 pm.

Bridal Falls

Eilean Donan Castle

NOTE:  Well hello Mom. I was thinking today how much I would like to hear your voice. I'll have to set up a call with Kay so we can talk. As you can tell from my blog, I've been really busy. We work hard during the week and play hard on Saturday. My mission is going very well. I love finding flats for the missionaries and seeing how excited they are to be moving in. Sometimes they are only in them for 6 weeks or so, because the missionaries get transferred every 6-8 weeks. But then new missionaries move into the flat and on it goes. The weather is considerabllly warmer now, but it rains almost every day for at least a little while. I'm still doing a lot of teaching the gospel  with the missionaries to those interested in learning more about the Savior. It really is my favorite part of my mission.  I hope you are doing well. I will see you in about 6 months. Love you as always. Hugs and kisses to you.

NOTE:  Hi Mackenzie--I know ir has been a while, but I just wanted you to know how much I love you and miss you. I hope you and Sal are doing well and are happy and joyful. I can't wait to see you after I get home from my mission. One of my goals is to attend the Philadelphia Temple. And, of course, your wedding. Do you have any definite plans or date yet? I'm excited for you. What have you been up to? Any painting? You and Sal should get out and walk together--that's something grandpa & I did and it really is a relationship strenghner  (is that a word?) Send me a letter, your mom has my address. I got 2 letters from people in my church stake that I don't even know--really sweet. Love you lots, grams

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