Sunday, July 8, 2018

Wanderings & family in the "winding down" months . . . .

Alayna, Jocey & Max  -  North Barrick, Scotland
My son, Andy, Heather and the children came for a nice long visit. They were in Edinburgh for 5 full days. We had so much fun and the weather was just perfect. They rented a flat just off the Royal Mile and could walk to almost everything. We walked and walked and climbed stairs! Just in one day we  took a tour and saw the Kelpies, Loch Lomond, and Sterling Castle. The Kelpies are mythical horses that can change into anything they want. Perhaps you've heard the song on the bonny shores of Lake Lomond? And you may remember, Stirling Castle is my favorite.
At Stirling Castle
Loch Lomond 
The children had the opportunity to place their hands in the handprints of J.K. Rowling and visit the cemetery where names were taken by her to use in her book. I think we found them all. One of my favorite parts of the visit was when Alayna learned (using that word loosely) to play the bagpipes I bought for Max and put a street act together with Jocey as her partner in the act. I laughed so hard I dislodged a kidney stone (no joke)! We ate such good food, and just enjoyed walking the mile. I love those guys!     

My latest adventure was yesterday--my companion and I drove 3 hours to take the Jacobite Train (Harry Potter movie steam train). One of the areas of Scotland we had not yet explored is the Highlands, so we drove thru some of the most beautiful of God's creations. Mountains and hills that boggled the mind they were so awesome. We bought first class tickets so we were able to sit in the quaint section that was filmed with fancy lamps on the tables between chairs and a beautiful old steam train that rattled and clanked along the rails with steam escaping everywhere outside the engine. The famous bridge (the Glenfinnan Viaduct)is pretty spectacular and I was able to get the picture below from the window of the train. 

                                                  Glenfinnan - the Harry Potter Bridge

                    Our train

All Aboard!!
Many of my friends have probably been wondering how my mom is doing--well we kinda really don't know. She has her own time-schedule for leaving this earthly home and none of us seem to know when it is. She is just a "wonder woman"--always has been, always will be!

NOTE: So here's to you mom: I love you so much and I am so proud of you for your strength and your will to enjoy life. I know it's hard for you to eat much and I know you are sleeping a lot, but I guess you know better than any of us that that's just the way it is for you at this stage of your life. I hope you always have a prayer on your lips (knowing you, I'm sure you are in constant communication with your Heavenly Father. I am wondering if you wish you had done something in your life that you haven't done--is there anything you wish you had done? I know at one time you expressed interest in writing a cookbook. Is there anything else? I hope your days are filled with peace and all your prayers are answered. Lots of love, Janice

Well, friend and family . . .my mission is as exciting as ever. We just welcomed a new mission president and his wife. It was sad saying goodbye to the Donaldson's, but they had served 3-years and returned to England. Our new president is from the States and we love him and his wife already. I have less than 4 months left of my mission and plan to do as much service as I possibly can during these last few months. Right now my departure date is November 8 and that just doesn't seem far off. 
I will share an interesting experience that I had; I took a taxi from my flat to see my family while they were visiting. When I got in the taxi, the driver asked me about my badge. I told him what it was for and explained my mission. He asked me what my church believed and I taught him the first gospel lesson. He was very excited and when we stopped he came around to help me out and I asked, "what do I owe you?" He said absolutely nothing this ride was my pleasure. I asked if I could refer him to the missionaries and he gave me his card. So, I'm just saying amazing things happen when you're in the service of the Lord. You would have to understand the competitiveness of taxi drivers for fares to really understand how unusual a free taxi ride would be.

I'm sorry my blogs are so far and few between--I will try to do better these last few months. 
Lots of love,
Sister Gifford

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