Saturday, August 4, 2018

Winding Down Wanderings

Dunbar--a fishing village
Pretty little fishing village

Dunbar fishing village, a sandstone statue of a fisherman
and wife with their basket of fish.
My first selflie . . .hope I really look better than this picture!!
I really wanted you to see the background--beautiful Scotland scenery

We wandered all over Last Saturday. We drove through the area referred to as the borders (Scotland & England) until we were about 16 miles from the England border. We pulled off the road many times to take pictures as the scenery was some of the best we've seen.
Lush green, rolling land for miles and miles of driving.

We saw a castle and a couple of statues that turned out to be quite a hike back into some woods and then out in nowhere land this beautiful statue of William Wallace (for those who have seen the movie Braveheart). The Scots don't like that movie because they say it is far from the truth!

William Wallace - a statue so tall we had to stand
way downhill from it just to get the top part of the statue
in the picture.

Tantalon Castle

You'll notice I captioned this blog as the "winding" down wandering--it has suddenly occurred to me that the time on my mission is getting very precious. My release date is November 8, so basically I have less than 3 months. It makes me tear up just to type the words. I have grown to love this country and the people. But mostly I have seen such progress in my spiritual growth. I'm grateful for the fact that every Wednesday evening is spent at church attending at least one baptism, sometimes as many as three. I will probably never experience such as this again in my lifetime. I've grown to love my companion and to appreciate her as a real example in my life of someone who absolutely loves the scriptures. I'm so grateful for the little things, like being able to cook sometimes in the enormous kitchen at the mission home! Our kitchen in our flat leaves a lot to be desired and the oven is still a mystery. I love climbing into a taxi; makes me feel like a celebrity. I always use the taxi ride as an opportunity to teach the gospel to the driver. On one occasion, when I started to pay the driver, he said, "no charge-- this one is on me."  By the way, I use the light approach--I ask, "what brings you joy in your life?" I love walking to the bus stop from my flat and hopping on a bus that zooms me into the city. I can't drive anymore because my license was no good after a year. Probably a good thing--the roads are safer without me LOL!  So that's life and I'm enjoying every minute of it! I'll see you all in November. Love, Sister Gifford

NOTE:  Hi mom, well here you go with my message to you--I'm so sorry you have had such a rough couple of months, but so glad you are doing so much better. You are truly an inspiration to all of us. I only hope I can grow up to be just like you LOL! I've been very busy--I never knew serving a mission would be such hard work. I go to bed early every night and am just so glad to hit that mattress. Of course, I try to keep up with my missionary companion who is Lorre's age. For the most part, I can outlast her, except for bedtime--she is a late night person. I think I told you that I have two new great-grandsons. Holly and Julia both have darling little guys and I can't wait to see them. All the grandchildren are growing up and even the great-grandchildren are doing the same. I was trying to figure out how many great-grandkids you have, but couldn't figure it out. How many?? And how many great, great, grandkids?? I'm really looking forward to seeing you in November and we'll have to do a selfie LOL!

NOTE:  Hi Grayson, how are you? just want you to know I am so proud of you for attending your Primary class and learning about your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I'm also very impressed with the fact that you are working on school work getting ready for your new adventure in Kindergarten. You are such a smart boy and I wish you could give me some of your "smarts" LOL Enjoy the rest of your summer and I'll see you November. I'll be coming to your house for a visit when I'm done with my mission. I sure hope someday I will be writing a letter to you on your very own mission. Wouldn't that be something if you went to Scotland on your mission too!!? I love you lots & will talk to you soon, ggma

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