Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Wee Bit of Excitement & Wandering . . .

Now on to the TATOO . . . . Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2017
Started in the early 1950's the Tatoo is a spectacular show. Thousands of people attend every year from all over the world. The tickets have to be purchased months in advance. We attended with a large group of senior missionaries from Scotland & Ireland. It takes place in front of the Edinburgh Castle. I think one of the most exciting parts was just walking from our taxi to the castle. The streets lined with beautiful old buildings, a zillion people and ahead you could see the castle lit up by fire burning torches. What a sight to behold. The pictures I'll post just can't do the show justice. Military bands and performers from any country that had played a role in Scotland history. My favorite was all the bagpipes and the Highland dancers. We sat through almost 2 hours without rain and then right at the end--it poured!

It didn't stop the show, but by the time we walked to our taxi pickup we were all drenched!
Light shows displayed on the castle.

It's very interesting in Scotland--the cab system. Cabs and buses are the mode of transportation. They have cabs for up to 12 people and they really are not expensive. So you walk, cab & bus pretty much everywhere. But you do have to get to know the bus system, which I'm still working on. I tried out 3 buses the other day until I found the right one. Each one cost me 2 pounds. So that was an expensive bus ride. I just kept hopping on and off. LOL  We have such a great bunch of senior missionaries in Scotland & Ireland. Lots of fun to go places together.

NOTE: Hello Mom, how aare you? I don't know if you like bagpipes or not, but this a fantastic show.
When the show ended they had a solitary bagpiper play as they gradually turned down the lights that lit up the field where they performed. When he was done we were sitting in almost darkness and then the fireworks started right over the top of the castle. Wish you could have been there. I've been thinking about you this week and wondering how you are feeling. Hope you are happy and remembering to pray for me--you're in my prayers every day. Love and hugs to you.

NOTE: Hi Zachary, how are you? You are probably getting ready to head off to college--hard for me even to say that "heading off to college" WOW where have the years gone! Did you go on your big
expedition trip? How did it go? Hopefully, your mom can post some pictures. How was the weather and did you meet some new friends that will help to ease you into a new home away from home.
Today we got 16 new missionaries into our mission boundaries. They are usually 18, 19 & a few 20-year-olds. They are a little bit nervous and a little bit excited, but they are here to serve the Lord and each of them will grow up a lot while they serve their two-year missions. It was really fun meeting all of them. Most of them are away from home for the 1st time and suddenly they in a different county with a companion they have never met before. Much like you're going to be doing. I wish you all the luck in the world. Love you a whole bunch. Grams


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