Sunday, August 27, 2017

Oh my aching back & MORE WANDERINGS:

Thursday night I woke up in the night not feeling so good--Friday morning I had the ache in my back they said to me, "oh no, another kidney stone!" I didn't say anything to my companion, just got ready and went to the office. I had several prayers asking Heavenly Father to lift this pain and let the whole thing go away. After each prayer, I was able to be pain-free and continue my duties. For hours this worked and then all of a sudden I was in too much pain and very upset to my stomach. I told my companion what was going on and that I was going to request a priesthood blessing from the AP's (assistants to the President). What happened next is the only reason I'm sharing this "kidney stone mumble jumble." The  AP's Elder Gibb & Peacock live at the mission home, so they were right there when I needed them. They are both just 19-year-olds, but already such fine young men. They gave me the most beautiful blessing. In it, they said the pain would subside and I would be able to continue to do the Lord's work. As they laid their hands upon my head I just felt the warmth spread through my whole body. The pain was gone and I continued to work a busy day in the office. Right at the end of the day, the pain & nausea came back with a vengeance and I went home crawled into bed and slept until I passed the stone at 9 pm. The next morning I was just fine so we did a little wandering. I just wanted to share that story so everyone could benefit from the story of my priesthood blessing.

First place we went was Craigmillar Castle. The castle is in Edinburgh and was one of my favorites.

For the first 250 years the castle served as a comfortable fortified residence for the Prestons, a prominent Edinburgh family in late medieval times.


Our 2nd wandering was to the Butterfly Garden-- so this is for my younger grandchildren and my great-grandchildren.
The Big Hungary Caterpillar

These are CACOONS
Branches with lots of CACOONS hanging from them



NOTE: Hey mom how you doing? Don't let my kidney stone episode worry you. I've had enough of these darn things! That one probably won't be the last. We have been having a lot of fun visiting the castles--I love them all. My driving is coming along pretty good. I haven't had any fender-benders yet. The car we have right now sits very low and I can hardly see over the steering wheel. I got the nicest pictures of Zachary in his new room at college (Can you believe he is in college!?) Also a picture of Michael and Rylee Jane their first day of school. They are all such cuties and such nice kids. I love them to pieces. Hope things are well with you and I just want you to know that I think you're pretty special! Love you lots, Sister Gifford

NOTE:  Hi Alayna--how are you doing? Congratulations on your great soccer season. Oh how I wish I could have seen your games. I have soccer fields across the street from my flat and I am going to go over and watch a game someday. I'm pretty amazed at how you have grown up. WOW! You are really a young woman now. By the time I get back to the US you will be almost in high school and almost 14 (I think). Life is very good here. I do miss everyone (especially on Sundays) but I try to just keep busy and not dwell on missing all of you. I'm very busy at the office. I love what I'm doing, which is mostly finding flats for missionaries to live in and closing flats where they are moving out and no new ones will be moving in. It's kinda fun and the young missionaries have to help me by going to see the flats and let me know if they are o.k. So we sort of form a bond and that's pretty cool. They have never picked out a flat before so they get pretty excited about it. Our weather is like early fall and it rains a lot. I'm used to the rain now and used to my hair always being flat from wearing a hood up. Hope the family is doing well. Love you to the moon and back. Grams

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