Monday, August 21, 2017

A Weekend of Spirituality & Wanderings

Was Scotland, Ireland and England all on my bucket list of things to do--well no, but as of yesterday I've traveled all three countries! Did I ever in my wildest dreams think it possible? No, not really!

Saturday our church ward took a bus to Preston, England to the temple and to see the pageant that is put on by the church. The bus was really nice and it was only a 3- hour trip.  The bus ride gave us time to get-to-know some of the ward members better. We can only go to the temple once on our mission and we choose this trip because it included the pageant. The pageant is called "Truth Will Prevail."  It is a musical about the Book of Mormon and the Church being introduced to the people of Preston England. Those people who joined the church and then journeyed to America at the request of the prophet, Joseph Smith, became the backbone of the church in America. 20,000 + eventually migrated to America from England at that time. Preston has an MTC (missionary training center). As missionaries, my companion and I were asked to take with us either an investigator or less-active member. We invited two sisters, but only one showed up--mine. A sweet person with a very heavy brogue and a startling personality!! That I won't go into, but I had a 3rd-degree migraine when I arrived home LOL Not really. She didn't come to church today, so I must have worn her out! The pageant was really good--open to the community, free of charge and an all volunteer cast & crew of around 700 members from as far away as Zimbaway Africa. Before the pageant, those that were able to attend the temple enjoyed so much the privilege of doing the Lord's work for a couple of hours in His house. I'm grateful to my daughter, Cobit, who keeps updated with family names to take to the temple for ordinance work. I personally knew one of the names this time--my father's Aunt Viola Donley. Thanks, Cobi for your dedicated genealogy research. Keep up the good work! That's me in front of the temple and that is the Angel Moroni on top! I'm in good company!

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