Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Blog of a Different Type

14 June 2017

I have talked a lot about seeing the sights--and posting lots of pictures, but perhaps neglected to tell you how the "missionary" and the missionary work is doing. Well, first, let me ask you for prayers in behalf of two of our young missionaries who were badly beaten last Sunday morning in Ireland. One of the elders had only been on his mission for 1 week. They are going to be o.k., thank goodness. I'm in the process of finding them a new place to live in a safer environment.

Each morning we have a wonderful devotional before we begin our office day. We take turns being in charge. Often we use church videos from General Conference and then share our thoughts on that subject. A terrific way to start the day.

All day I'm on the phone with missionaries (young & senior) and those who are located in the Edinburgh area are in and out of the office each day. Never have a seen a happier bunch of people.
When I was set apart President Walker said I would be an influence on the younger missionaries and would be their grandmother figure away from home. So I try to give them all my grandmotherly smile and lots of grandmotherly encouragement. They range in age from 18-22 & I'm sure really miss their families. There are times when I have to get grandmotherly tough if they are not keeping their flats clean! We inspect every 6 mo. and sometimes things are not what we would like to see.

You may wonder (or not) how I'm doing. I have never felt better and I am so happy to be so busy. I find it much easier to mourn the loss of my very special husband, being so busy. I have moved my spirituality up a notch. We read scripture every day and exercise each day. We have a TV, but did not buy a license to watch live programming. We can watch DVD's, but usually just don't bother. We are in the office at 7 am and not home until 6 or 6:30 pm. They are long very busy days. I'm adjusting to the weather--it averages around 58 and rains most every day at least for awhile (or all day!). You can wear a sweater most every day. My driving is coming along--haven't taken anybody's side view mirror yet LOL! My goal is to be able to drive to the airport to pick up my first guests in July. My companion is a real sweetheart. She is 58 years old and has been a widow for 22 years. Her husband also died from cancer. She has four children. She is very musical and a real technology whiz. We both like our alone time so we retreat to our bedrooms if we need to. Twice a week we cook for two, the rest of the time we eat whatever we personally want.

So that's a  little about me and my missionary life. This weekend  we are going to Ireland, so my next blog will be filled with pictures.

Much love to all,
Sister Gifford

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