Saturday, June 3, 2017

Saturday, 3 June - 2 weeks on my mission!

Today is one of those days that I have to pinch myself to prove I'm in Scotland! How wonderful it is, how blessed am I!
My companion and I worked up a "tourist" itinerary for today and left the flat at 9 am for an adventuresome day of seeing the sights. I saw my first castle, Stirling Castle about 45 min later. Located in Stirling, Scotland. Saw my second castle in the afternoon--Doune Castle. I will post pictures of both. At Stirling castle, we had a guide and was able to see the entire inside of the castle, but at Doune, we had tour headsets and discovered the ruins by ourselves. O.K. were talking about places and events from the 1200's and 1300's. Just pinch me--can this be real? Our guide was hysterical--very theatrical, very informative. And of course, had a very heavy brogue so I had to listen carefully. Picture of "Frank" our guide below. In between castles, we visited monuments, such as Wallace monument, which is breathtaking. William Wallace led the battle against the Jocobites in1297 and freed Scotland. Hope this had not been too boring for you . . .I know you sort of have to be here to appreciate it. But let me end with my lunch of the infamous Scottish "Haggis"- it's between a sausage patty loosely packed and a spoiled hamburg!! A side of Haggis is not expensive and it usually comes with all breakfast plates. So that's my opinion, but if you come to Scotland you will have to decide for yourself if Haggis is for you or not.A Celtic Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you, 
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rain fall soft upon your field,
and until we meet again, 
may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Sister Gifford

Doune Castle

Doune Castle
Doune Castle

Stirling Castle 
Stirling Castle
My first Scottish "Haggis"
A little goes a long way!!!
Frank - the tour guide at Stirling Castle
Cannons at Stirling Castle

1 comment:

  1. Mom, your adventure sounds (and looks) amazing! I can't wait to visit you! I'm so proud of you...your faith and courage inspire us all!
