Tuesday, June 27, 2017

And More Wanderings . . .

Last weekend we went on another Saturday day-trip. I drove a car to Galashiel Scotland to give to the Sister Missionaries there. Yes, you heard me right . . .I drove the car! for 1 1/2 hrs. through winding rodes, one-lane roads, and many round-abouts! My companion drove our car (new one just to be on the safe side) so that we could ride back together. Otherwise we would have to take the train back, which actually sounded like fun. I had no problems driving but on the way home my companion was driving and forgot she wasn't in the USA and drove on the wrong side . . . no laughing matter. We had to go up over the curb and unto a sidewalk. Only to find out that we were in a great picture taking location--so we snapped a few! We visited a wool & cashmere store (at one time Galashiels was the wool capital of the UK). Beautiful wool & cashmere sweaters, etc. We didn't buy any--on sale they are still expensive. We toured the Montrose Abbey and Sir Walter Scott's Home then went back to meet the sister missionaries and attend a baptism taking place. The church in Galashiels is a small branch which has a baptismal font in the back of a really small chapel. It was the first baptism in that area of Scotland in 10 years, so it was very special. After the baptism we took the sisters out for dinner. They suggested an Indian restaurant--I literally had tears running and nose dripping the food was so spicey!! I guess I should stick to Scottish cuisine--a little Haggis or whatever. While we were at the Abbey there was a celebration going on, people dressed as monks were rededicating the Abbey as a place of peace & serenity. So I think the pictures are self-explanatory. I'm still not able to pull in my Northern Ireland pictures, but will keep trying. 

Love to all, 
Sister Gifford

NOTE: Hi mom, seems like a long time since I've seen you. I sure do miss you. Hope you are feeling good and are staying happy. I'm having a wonderful time in Scotland and I'm so fortunate to be able to travel on Saturdays. I think this Saturday we better think about staying home and do cleaning & laundry. Love you to pieces!

NOTE: Hey there Jocey. How was your trip to Nana & Pappas? You'll have to text me and tell me all about it, especially swimming with the Dolphins. Are you going to a camp this summer? I wish you were here to help me bake and cook a meal for 14 missionaries in July. I NEED HELP!! Where are you when I need you??!! Love you bunches

Scotland's National Flower - Thistle
Heather growing in Sir Walter Scott's Garden
Sir Walter Scott's House in Montrose Scotland
Missionaries also grow in Sir Walter Scott's Garden LOL!
Roses Grow Like Weeds in Scotland!
Private Chapel attached to Sir Waltler Scott's Home

Montrose Abbey
Notice the bones/skull on tombstone . . . me thinks a pirate
might be buried there (or a bad guy!)
Abbey built in 1600 by Monks - in Montrose

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