Sunday, June 11, 2017


10 JUNE - A VERY SPECIAL DAY TODAY--my Mom's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom I love you to the moon & back.

Here are a few tidbits that I always forget to mention:
  • Did you know that paper is a different size in the UK? Instead of 8 1/2 x 11, it's A7 which is thinner and longer.
  • The computer keyboards are laid out differently so typing is a bit of a challenge until you get used to it. of course the keyboard includes the monetary sign for the "Pound" & "Euro." The UK uses the Pound & Euro is used in Ireland.
  • Hamburg is called "minced meat."
  • Steak sauce is called "Brown sauce."
  • Apartments are "flats."
  • Hardly anyone has a clothes dryer--everyone has a clothesline.
  • Scotland loves their "potatoes" usually you are served 2 kinds on one plate.
  • They have TJ MAX only it's called "TK MAX."
  • Of course, then there is the driving--streets are all narrow, fortunately, cars are all small, no one drives a mini-van (or larger), of course, we drive on the opposite side of the road as the USA & the steering wheel is on the right side, cars park on both sides of the roads facing in either direction and postal codes are used for finding places, not addresses.
  • And last, but not least, the whole country seems to be infatuated with pomegranate seeds--they serve them with everything; especially on top of salads, in fruit cups and on top of yogurt. Good thing I have aways loved them!
On this Saturday, we traveled to Pitlochry (love that name!) a village up closer to the Highlands. Our first stop was to a place called HeatherGems. A remarkable jewelry factory that makes gemstones out of Heather twigs (shown below). When the flower die and the stems dry out they process them, color them and turn the finished product into beautiful gemstones. I'll take a picture of one that I bought & post it. Next we shopped the village and checked out all the Scottish woolens & cashmeres, which are all beautiful, but not inexpensive. After lunch (our waiter had a brogue much heavier than we have become used to, so we weren't really sure of what we ordered) we toured Blair Castle & its beautiful gardens. There was a bagpiper standing at the door and just as we walked by he gave full-thrust to his bellows & about blew my eardrum out LOL! We also toured Black Watch Castle and hunted down a couple of monument that were quite touching having to do with Scottish soldier regiments. One that I will post is a touching sentiment of a little girl giving a returning soldier a bouquet of flowers. 

The mission has ordered my companion & I a new car. Someone has to pick it up in Ireland. At great sacrafice (LOL) we offered to drive & car ferry to Ireland & pick it up. We'll stay 2 nights and be able to tour some of Ireland. Next week my blog will be full of pictures of Ireland I'm sure. 

NOTE: To all my grandchildren & great-grandchildren. Just to let you know that I talk about you to everyone I meet. I'm so proud of all of you; young & old. I hope you are each enjoying my blogs and are saying to yourselves, "I can't believe she is doing all this." Because, really, I can't believe I'm doing all this either. I'm so blessed to have this opportunity. Hope you are all doing good and having a wonderful summer. It feels more like very early spring here, cool & rainy. But that doesn't keep us from getting outdoors and enjoying Scotland.

NOTE: To Samantha - Hope you're having a wonderful time in NY. Must be so great to be with everyone after such a long time. My MTC days spent with you & Dalton were so special, especially our temple time together. Miss you!

Sister Gifford
Returning soldier from World War I
(Note the soldier is carrying bagpipes)
Scottish Heather
Left side of Blair Castle
We watched the Salmon jump as they
swam upriver (or down-river) in Pitlochry 
Blair Castle - 700 years old
Pitlochry, Scotland
(you can't see him, but there is a bagpipe player in the doorway)
Black Watch Castle - smallest castle & newest
we've seen thus far - in Perth, Scotland
Built in 1800's. 

GemStone made from processed Heather  

  • "

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