Saturday, May 20, 2017

1st day in Scotland - May 20, 2017

I had wonderful travel arrangments. Non-stop from SLC to Amsterdam. We were served two meals and three snacks, which included yogurt, crackers & cheese and other yummies. They really took good care of us! I sat with a woman from UT who has a nephew serving in the mission here. I looked him up on the transfer board in the mission office and discovered he has only been here a few months so I will get to meet him. In Amsterdam, I made it through security and customs without any problems. Most people spoke English well enough to understand what they were saying. Mostly German & French.

So here is how my day went: my new companion, Sister Call and Sister Dent, the secretary that I am replacing, picked me up at the airport. OK the driving here is rediculous!! My companion was driving and they wanted me to try it today, but I said, "Give me a couple of days!" Turns out that the 6 drivers lessons they told me about are nothing more than me practicing six times with a more experienced driver!! Pedestrians here have no rights so you really have to watch where you are going. As we were  leaving the airport the Mission President called and requested that we stop at the mission home/office so he could meet me. What a warm, outgoing, funny man he is. His wife is also very nice. He insisted we take pictures of us together as well as one with him and me and my companion. The mission building is very old and so beautiful. Gorgeous fireplaces and furnishings. After we finished there we went to the grocery store and then on to a place similar to Walmart only much nicer. Then back to the apartment so I could unpack. Very busy day! I had several opportunities to use my Scottish pound money--going to take me a while to figure that out.

Church tomorrow at 10:30 and to the office on Monday at 7:00 am. I love the area and can't wait to explore. Our apartment is fine--nothing elaborate, but it is roomy and it is great having our own bathrooms and bedrooms. The building is very old and pretty. I tried to put a picture of it on the blog, but for some reason, it won't work. I'll try again tomorrow.

Love to all,
Sister Gifford

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