Thursday, May 11, 2017

My 4th day at the MTC

It's about 8 pm here in Provo Utah. I just returned from the old Provo Temple, which is right across the street. They furnish a shuttle to and from although it is an easy walk. I took the shuttle--I'm a senior!! Actually, I'm the oldest of the 8 single senior sister missionaries. I don't mind holding that title at all! Your only as old as you feel--that's what my mom always used to say. Well anyway, back to the temple--it looks like a big birthday cake (I'm going to try to download a picture). Quite a beautiful sight, the white temple up against the snow-capped mountains.

My day starts at 7 am with breakfast, then at 8 classes with all 128 senior missionaries, then at 10 am we break into our small groups in classrooms (my group is the 8 single senior sisters) and go until lunch. Then at 1 pm back to the large group classes again until 2, then back to small groups until 4:30. Yes, we do get breaks! The classes are tremendous in content and so well taught. We go back and forth between technology classes which are to teach us how to download and then use church resources. I am now paperless as far as scriptures, talks, art, music, etc. Everything is on my cell phone. I'm pretty impressed with myself. Today my companion and I taught another couple a gospel lesson and we used scripture and a video that we pulled up on our phones. Anyway, the teachers are patient, patient, patient.

I have met so many wonderful people. I try to sit with different couples at each meal just to get to know their stories; where they are from, where they are going to serve their missions. A funny side note: I was walking to my room yesterday and a sister missionary asked me where I was going. My response was that I was going to my room to make a few phone calls. She started laughing and said, "You haven't been here very long have you?" Of course what she meant was "where was I going to serve my mission." LOL

I'm loving every minute and know that I am where the Lord would have me be at this time in my life. I'm so filled with gratitude for this opportunity. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my sweet husband who enabled me financially to stretch my wings.

Love to all,
Sister Gifford

NOTE: To my grandson, Zachary. Thanks for calling me last night--it was wonderful to hear your voice to so full of happiness over your bright future ahead. Congratulations on your graduation--I'll be thinking of you all weekend. Love you lots.

NOTE: To my sweet mom. I pray everyday that His spirit will be with you constantly and that you will be filled with joy. Love you

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