Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Arrival at MTC

Hi, this is Sister Gifford (missionary badge and all the missionary trappings). OK I have a question for you, "why am I the only senior missionary out of 128 that is clunking around in big ole ugly missionary shoes?" LOL and I bought 2 pair--someone saw me coming!!

Just ending my 2nd day at the MTC and waiting for a meeting at 6 pm with a General Authority (no one knows in advance who is coming, so I will have to let you know in my next blog. I'm excited. All senior missionaries have reserved seating up front. Out of the 128 senior missionaries there are 8 single sisters. We do everything together and they are a remarkable group of women going all over the world. Most of them are nurses serving as nurse specialist. I am very busy all day with classes, the food is delicious, the rooms are lovely (we all have private rooms w/queen beds) and I'm as happy as I thought I would be. I have a companion assigned to me while here, Sister Jackson who is from here in Provo and will be serving in Richmond Virginia as an office specialist also.

Well I have to go--but wanted to say hello. And to my mom, "hey mom this is the blog I told you about, hope you enjoy. Love you

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