Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Another day in Scotland . . .
Today is my 3rd day in the office. It was a busy one! It's amazing the heavy load the mission president & his wife carry. They are so warm and outgoing. Under Housing Coordinator I'm in charge of closing apartments when the missionaries are being transferred or like today when we are closing 7 apartments because we have fewer missionaries coming in as others are leaving. I also deal with the landlords & sometimes not very nice ones!! I also am responsible for finding new apartments, which includes sending out lease info & lots of other stuff. I'm learning & very much enjoying the office & staff. We will have 20 missionaries transfer to different locations within Scotland & Ireland next week so this missionary will be very busy!

Last night our senior missionary couple in the office invited us all over to their home for a Chinese dinner (cooked by Elder Winter) authenic Chinese dishes. All of us in the office as well as President Donalson & his wife were there. Wonderful food & just very gracious hosts.

Life is good--but I haven't got the technical part of communicating with family & friends down. Also, my blog page is not allowing me to insert pictures. Very frustrating and I don't have Lorre handy to help.

Well, that's it for tonight--I hope you are all well and enjoying life.

Love, Sister Gifford

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