Monday, May 22, 2017


2nd Day Shower Experience: OK it's Sunday and I'd like to say I have jet lag, but I don't--I get up early to take a shower before church (the other sisters were still sleeping). Confidently I walk into the bathroom only to discover an odd looking contraption in the shower, which doesn't work no matter what I do. No water, no nothing!!! Three times I went back in my bedroom said a little prayer and tried again. Still nothing!!! I had to wait until one of them work up to ask what the secret was--who was to know that there was a little red button in the hallway that when pushed activated that "contraption" in the shower to create hot water & then when the button on it was pushed water actually came out of the shower head! Now I know. . .


MY 3rd DAY OFFICE EXPERIENCE: Bright & early-- exercise, scripture reading & to work by 7 am. Learned that my position has changed again--I no longer have apartment inspections rather I am in charge of Housing & Missionary Cell phones & all the in-betweens. We start with a Devotional with office staff and then hit the road running. I do mean running! We have 4 in the office; one senior couple & myself & companion. Currently, Sister Dent is there also, but she will be leaving next Friday-- she is staying with us & sleeping in the front room. Hard to say how I did my 1st day
in the office. My companion is very patient & knows so much already, although she has only been here a few weeks
I should have a feel for how it's going by the end of the week.

MY FEELINGS ABOUT SCOTLAND & ITS PEOPLE: what I've seen so far is beautiful. I just love the architectures & the oldness of everything. Most people live in flats, but single dwellings are like mini castles. I look forward to exploring the surrounding areas on Saturdays. The people appear very friendly, but I'm afraid it is going to take me longer than I thought to get used to the brogue. I can see their lips moving, but can't tell what they are saying! Very difficult on the telephone.

Hopefully, next blog I can tell you what its like driving on the opposite as US!! My companion will lbe my driving instructor& she's only been driving a short time. Lookout drivers on the right side!

NOTE: Hey mom having a wonderful time and think about you lots. I always remember you in my prayers. Please remember me in yours.

NOTE: Hey Grayson, I'm sending you a picture of the big airplane I flew to Scotland on. I hope you are enjoying all your toys and are a big help to your mom & dad. Love to you from ggma

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