Friday, May 12, 2017

Ended day 5 - can't believe a week has gone by. Today was a wonderful day. My companion and I were able to teach a lady from the community who volunteered to come to the MTC. We taught her about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how it might apply to her life specifically. We spent some time getting to know her first and then taught her. She then evaluated our lesson and gave the evaluation to our instructor. The instructor met with each set of companions and went over the feedback. Our evaluation said, "Nothing to improve on." OK I think she was being a little overly kind . . . but we'll take it!!

In the afternoon a senior couple who have served 17 missions--yes 17! spoke to us about their experiences and gave us lots of helpful tips about working with others. Others
meaning everyone we come in contact with. Lots of ideas for working with the younger missionaries, which many of us will be doing.

Next week will be all technology/office training for all "office specialists." Should be very interesting.
Love to all,
Sister Gifford

NOTE: Avery I hope someday I will be writing you a letter while you are on your mission. Enjoy having your Uncle Jordan back in town. Be kind to everybody and be sure to help your mom lots.

NOTE: Mom, it has occurred to me how lucky I am to have you to send notes to. Bless you for being such a positive influence in my life. Love you

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